


Assessments are important. They tell us how a student is doing, how they are progressing, but they are not enough. An assessment should also include feedback to tell a student what they are doing well and where they need to improve.

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John Mason Predicts The Future of Horticulture Part 2

John Mason Predicts The Future of Horticulture Part 2

If you think the nursery industry has problems you’re not wrong; but 48 years in this industry has taught me that having problems is normal. Everything changes, the way we propagate, what we propagate, how we develop our businesses, how we find our way into our industry; and so much more.

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John Mason Predicts The Future of Horticulture -  Part 1

John Mason Predicts The Future of Horticulture - Part 1

Our Principal, John Mason, is a world renowned horticultural expert, with over 41 years’ experience in the fields of Horticulture, Recreation, Education and Journalism. He has extensive experience both as a public servant, and as a small business owner. John was recently asked to make predictions about the future of the horticulture industry. Here's his first response.

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Vertical Gardening and its benefits

Vertical Gardening and its benefits

Not everyone has a large garden. Indeed, some people do not have a garden at all. It is estimated that one in eight people in Britain do not have a garden, and 10% of Australians.
But having a small garden or no garden does not mean that we cannot live a life surrounded by beautiful greenery.
Greenery and plants are good for our mental and physical health.

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What is burnout and how to avoid it

What is burnout and how to avoid it

Burnout is on the rise. Reports suggest that the number of people reporting they are burnout has increased by 7% in the last year. Whilst research by Glassdoor suggests that discussion about burnout has actually gone up by 48% in the last 12 months. These are worrying figures, but what exactly is burnout and why is it something we should be worried about as individuals and as businesses?

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