Reasons To Study Computer Servicing

Many of us use computers today, whether that is for personal or business reasons.

We may use them to –

  • Play games
  • Search the internet
  • Pay bills
  • Write – emails, blogs, novels
  • Use social media
  • Communicate with others
  • Hold meetings
  • Prepare accounts

And for many other reasons.


Computers are an important part of daily life for many of us, so it can be useful to study computer servicing to maintain your own computer.


But computer servicing is also a great career to go into. 


Why is Computer Servicing and Maintenance Important?


As anyone who has suffered from a broken computer or malfunctioning computer will tell you, not being able to access your computer can be a major inconvenience. If you need a computer to access bank accounts, communicate or do your work, if your computer does not work, it can cause a lot of issues. Hours of wasted time sorting out the issue, then trying to catch up with the tasks you need to do. Never mind the lost money if you work for yourself. A malfunctioning or broken computer can be a irritating and stressful event for many.


Good computer servicing and maintenance helps us to make sure that small problems do not become big problems.  Regular servicing of a computer will help us to pick up small problems and deal with them at the start, before they become a major problem.

Prevent Viruses and Malware

Anti-virus protection can be helpful in preventing viruses and malware getting into our computers, but somehow, sometimes, they do still manage to get through. This can cause a range of issues –

  • Irritation!
  • Annoying pop-up messages
  • The processing time of our computer can be slowed down
  • Or it can be more serious, for example, affecting the whole operating system of the computer, or even computers.

Regular servicing and maintenance can help reduce these risks and prevent malware and viruses infecting our computers. 

Computer Speed

Not to generalise, but most of us want a quick response from our computer. If we ask it to do something, we want it to do it pretty quickly, we don’t want to have to wait.  When typing this, I want the letters to appear straight away, not wait for a while to see when they do. As we just said, computer viruses can affect the speed of a computer, but so can other factors, such as –

  • Too many files
  • A fragmented computer
  • Disorganisation etc.

These can result in slower processing times. A good computer service technician can help to speed up the running speed of a computer and check to make sure it is working at optimal speed.

Software Checks

Our software can also slow down the processing time of a computer as it gets older. Regular maintenance of a computer can ensure that the software is the most up to date and working most efficiently.  A computer servicing technician can check the software is working correctly and clean any issues out of the computer.

Preventing Data Loss

Data loss is another issue that can cause real problems.  If a computer is not well maintained, it can become slow and not work correctly, requiring a system reboot. This will often result in lost data.  For example, if you haven’t done a back up for a few months and the computer requires a full reboot, you may lose everything you haven’t backed up. 


Keeping your computer well maintained and serviced can reduce the likelihood of this happening.


Therefore, good servicing and maintenance of a computer results in –

  • A faster computer
  • Issues are dealt with earlier on, so they are less significant
  • Viruses can be detected earlier

Working as a Computer Technician

Skills Required

Courses are available to help people to maintain and service their computer. However, working in computer servicing and maintenance is a career that requires –

  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • The ability to work remotely can be useful
  • The ability to explain complex issues clearly and simply to clients
  • Problem solving and analytical skills
  • A sound knowledge of computers
  • Knowledge of computer programming
  • The ability to be calm in stressful situations
  • Stay up to date with changes in computers, such as new models, software, computer languages
  • Good administration skills
  • Ability to multi-task
  • Be a good trouble shooter

Jobs in Computer Servicing

There are many different jobs in computer servicing.  They mainly include –

  • Installing
  • Servicing
  • Configuring software and hardware.

In more detail, the job may include –

  • Repair and maintenance of computing as a freelance, an individual, working for an organisation.
  • Installing computers
  • Replacing computers
  • Repairing hardware
  • Dealing with software, networking and internet issues
  • Removing malware, spyware, viruses and infected files
  • Working on help desks
  • Write reports regarding repairs and installations
  • Keep records of support offered
  • Train new team members
  • Be a good team player, working well with other members of the team

Getting a Job as a Computer Servicing Technician

The requirements to get a job as a computer service technician will vary. You might go in as a beginner with little or no experience, or be required to have previous experience of computer servicing.


The best place to start is to study computer servicing to gain useful knowledge and practice in servicing computers.


We offer a range of courses in computer servicing and information technology.  All of our courses are studied by distance learning or online, so you can study –

  • When you want
  • Where you want
  • Online
  • To fit in around your existing home and work life

If you would like to find out more about our IT courses, you can view them here or contact us to find out more.

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