
Interested in Sustainability and Saving the World in a Practical Way? Try Permaculture

Interested in Sustainability and Saving the World in a Practical Way? Try Permaculture

We hear so much on the news about climate change, the climate crisis, and being sustainable and eco-friendly. Permaculture is a way for you to start changing the way you live practically and ethically. Here we discuss permaculture and areas you can study and work in.

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Get Writing -  It’s Everyone Writes Day !

Get Writing - It’s Everyone Writes Day !

The 21st October is Everyone Writes Day in the UK. But this day can be celebrated anywhere and anytime. Writing is a useful hobby and a great career choice for anyone who is a wordsmith, or would like to be.

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Become a Life Coach - Study Life Coaching Courses Online

Become a Life Coach - Study Life Coaching Courses Online

People may contact a life coach for very different reasons: to help them make better financial or career decisions; to get them motivated; to help them overcome feelings of frustration, helplessness, or lack of confidence; to help them manage personal relationships; to help them develop practical life skills. However, the reasons for contacting a life coach may not be the primary issues that are causing the client distress or dissatisfaction, and much of the life coach’s work will be to lead the client on a journey of self-discovery.

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Meet The Tutor - Tracey Jones

Meet The Tutor - Tracey Jones

Tracey joined ACS in 2001. Since then, she has worked as a tutor, as well as writing courses and eBooks. We asked her to tell us more about herself.

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Want to be a Crafty Writer? Become a Copywriter

Want to be a Crafty Writer? Become a Copywriter

Copywriters write clear and compelling writing that is used to persuade the reader or sell something to the reader. But how and what does it take to be a copywriter?

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