Learn to create dynamic websites with Javascript!
A Key Skill for anyone who Programs Web Sites
JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard, etc.
This course will teach you:
- programming essentials
- the javascript language
- DOM and event handling
- create dynamic html and navigation
- write web apps & more!
This course compliments our HTML course and forms part of the Certificates in Web Development. Javascript is one of the major modern components of creating successful webpages. This course will help you:
- Build great websites
- Maintain Web Sites
- Improve your Programming Skills
Lesson Structure
There are 10 lessons in this course:
Enabling Javascript (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, Firefox)
Javascript in Web Applications
JavaScript Essentials I
JavaScript Essentials 2
What is a Function
Defining Functions
Function Parameters & Return
Javascript Build In Functions
Events and Event handling
What is an Event
Event Handling
Document Object Model
Advanced JavaScript
Browser Detection
Creating Objects
Objects in Javascript
Dynamic HTML
Difference between Static & Dynamic
DTHML Javascript
Emails, Forms and Form Validation
What is Form Validation
Validating Text Fields
Validating other Imputs
Pop Ups and Navigation Menus
Alert Box
Prompt Box
Confirm Box
Pure CSS Menus
JavaScript Applications
HTML, CSS & Javascript
Code Validation
Improve your Web Development
Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.
Understand what JavaScript is, identify different locations for JavaScript and be able to enable JavaScript in different browsers.
Develop knowledge of the basic programming constructs in JavaScript and their application.
Further develop knowledge of JavaScript programming constructs in JavaScript and their application.
Describe DOM, and Events and event handling and identify their application in JavaScript.
Describe the different events, and explain how these can be handled with event handling in JavaScript.
Understand conditional statements and explain in which situations they are used.
Understand for loops and while loops and explain how these can be used in Javascript to improve efficiency of a program and reduce code length.
Review key concepts of this course and write simple web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
What is Javascript?
JavaScript is by far the most popular and widely used scripting language on the internet. It was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape and has appeared in Netscape and Microsoft browsers since 1996. JavaScript has since grew in popularity and is now supported by all the major internet browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome).
JavaScript is a scripting language which was designed to add more interactive features to static HTML pages. You may have seen some features on websites while browsing the internet such as mouse trailers, popup windows, drop down menus, countdown timers, embedded clocks, etc.; these are all developed using JavaScript. The JavaScript code is usually embedded in the HTML code and runs on the user’s browser, that’s why JavaScript is known as a client-side scripting language. However, the main downside of having a script running on the browser and the code embedded in HTML is that everybody can download and view the code, without the need for a license. Client-side and server-side scripting will be explained at the end of this lesson in more details.
JavaScript is a powerful scripting language which can be used to read and modify HTML elements, validate data, and it can also react to events such as a mouse click or a key press on the keyboard, etc.
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